Connor Vander Zalm:
"I have had a great time with the University at Buffalo swim team over the past four years. Being a student-athlete has been a constantly changing experience. From being a freshman, learning and growing from teammates and new experiences, to the upperclassman responsibilities and leadership positions. Our team has been growing and developing over the past few years to the point that we are in the battle for the top position in the conference. While we have been recruiting and training for success in the future, our conference has gone through changes that seem to have finally settled on something great. Our specific class has gone through so many changes and shifts, that I feel I am more prepared to deal with adverse situations in the future, especially thanks to help and support from coaches and teammates. I've a lot of memorable moments (and times that I have trouble remembering) with friends that swim or have swum with Buffalo.
What I think will stand out the most for me in the future is beating Miami today (Jan. 23rd). We went from our freshmen year struggling to beat Ball State to beating Miami, seriously competing against Eastern Michigan, and setting our sites for fast newcomers to the conference. I am excited for our team and what we can accomplish by the end of the season. We are on pace to have a great conference meet, and we will be ready for the last two dual meets we have against St. Bonaventure and Penn State. I am proud to have swam my college swimming career with this team and I look forward to seeing what else Buffalo can accomplish."
Good luck,
Connor Vander Zalm