Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Senior Perspectives - Kevin Song
Kevin Song:
"I must say that the last 4 years have been full of great memories and moments, and I would not trade this UB Swimming experience for any other. As much as I look forward to growing fat and lazy after MAC's, over spring break and onwards, I will miss being a part of this team and being with such a great group of people. From the good moments, like beating Miami, academic successess, swimming wheels, posting best time sheets, dropping the hammer, and playing the difficult and challenging times, it has all been a very educational and rewarding experience. I am sure this experience will help me more than I know it in the coming years, and bring back many fond memories. This team has come a long way and accomplished much since I first joined, and this is just the beginning. I am glad to have been part of it all, and I am excited for the success the future will surely bring to the team. Go Bulls!"